How to embrace your authenticity & why this matters much for healthy love
The key question to ask to discover if you’re in an attraction of inspiration vs. deprivation
What “Core Gifts” are - why we usually hate these parts of us & why loving them is key
What it means when you notice your attractions start to change
LIVE PRACTICE to discover what your Core Gifts are (this is rich!)
Free Gift: Your free bonus gift is Ken's life-changing e-book: Five Keys to Deeper Dating, which teaches five of the most powerful insights in his bestselling book Deeper Dating. Follow these principles and watch your search for love—and your life--transform in profound ways!
A Guided Envisioning Practice to Receive the Love You Want
Speaker: Anastasia Frank
Key Learnings / How To:
LIVE PRACTICE to connect you in a deep, embodied way with the feelings of having the love you want, practice stretching yourself into edges that feel uncomfortable to have this (such as opening to receive love without doing anything to “earn” it), + identify what needs to be released in order to receive love.
Free Gift: 25 Joy Generators & 3 Ways to Powerfully Uplevel Your Joy on the Path to Love
Release Ceremony to Let Go of What’s Blocking Healthy Love
Speaker: Anastasia Frank
Key Learnings / How To:
LIVE PRACTICE to identify + release what’s blocking love for you now, see how these have been costing you, and identify + embrace what will serve you instead with honesty, clarity and commitment
Free Gift: 25 Joy Generators & 3 Ways to Powerfully Uplevel Your Joy on the Path to Love