Speaker: Anastasia Frank

You’ll Learn:

How boundaries help you commit to loving yourself more rather than trying to control other people’s perceptions of you
Why the behavior you’re tolerating is teaching people how to treat you (+ how to change the dynamic!)
Inner Child dialogue for deep introspection, healing, and a path forward that will dissolve fears of conflict (+ exactly how I did this with a former co-worker!)
Why a boundary without a consequence is just a request
How to honor your own boundaries so others honor them too (this is a game changer!)

Free Gift: Rewire Your Nervous System for Healthy Love Masterclass


Speaker: Dr. Daved Rosensweet

You’ll Learn:

What bioidentical hormones are + how they can support you before and after menopause
The profound impact menopausal symptoms can have on a woman’s overall well-being physically, cognitively and sexually
What the science really says about the risk of breast cancer (+ the powerful ways hormone therapy can reduce it!)
Why the modern medical industry is anti hormone supplementation for women going through menopause (+ how to advocate for yourself and your truth)
How you can access this support with telemedicine & compounding pharmacies to empower your menopausal journey

Free Gift: PDF Copy of the Book "Happy Healthy Hormones"


Speaker: Beth Claxton

You’ll Learn:

The 10 habits of Ayurveda to ground yourself when things are out of balance
How to curate a dinner that best supports your adrenals, nervous system, and blood sugar regulation while you sleep (+ help to eradicate belly fat!)
How to improve your quality of sleep and align with your natural body clock
How to understand your genetics and deficiencies so you can adequately replenish them
Remote testing and actions you can take to support your gut health

Free Gift: 10-Minute Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Join Beth’s Free Upcoming Masterclass on 10 Habits for Maximum Health & Vitality


Speaker: Dan Brulé

You’ll Learn:

PRACTICE: Breathwork to open your heart to love + who you were before trauma (beautiful!)
3 essential practices needed to clear ANYTHING in your way
How to heal an addiction to suffering (powerful!)
What’s required to navigate fear & resistance to change
How to work with the medicine of your heart to heal heartbreak pain

Free Gift: "Breathwork in the Prana Gardens" Training Manual on the Art of Breathwork


Speaker: Jackie Brewster

You’ll Learn:

The fundamental qualities of all 9 enneagram types
How to use enneagram as a tool to better attune to yourself and others (this is very powerful in allowing others to be who they are vs. who we want them to be!)
How to disarm your guard and soften into a deeper connection with your partner
How to identify the motivation behind your behaviors
Recommended modalities to discover your own enneagram type

Free Gift: Free PDF - Shadow Side



Speaker: Rose Metcalf

You’ll Learn:

Practical ways to shift into your Queen Archetype/Divine Feminine as a powerful woman!
How to enjoy both your focused Huntress energy AND your receptive Lover energy now
A better thing to do than tell yourself “You can’t have that”
Why relationships are especially needed for healing when we have a history of trauma
PRACTICE: A guided somatic “SIFT” practice to create a feeling of safety inside yourself (So good!)

Free Gift: Queen Anointing Activation


Speaker: Debra Poneman

You’ll Learn:

How Debra navigated the ‘dark night of the soul’ and went from a broke meditation teacher to an international success speaker and author
Potent practices to uncover your soul purpose and unique calling
Why you need to take action ASAP on that idea in your heart!
How to stop asking everyone else what they think about your dream and tap into your own inner wisdom!
PRACTICE: A POWERFUL journaling exercise to receive Divine wisdom and the next steps forward (get ready to receive so much clarity!!)

Free Gift: eBook: The 5 Secrets to a Life of True Success


Speaker: Iris Benrubi

You’ll Learn:

How to become the ‘buyer’ vs. the ‘seller’ when dating (+ go from a ‘pick me’ mentality to empowered choice)
How to stop settling for what’s available and shift into what’s possible
Signs, sensations, and “turn ons” to look for in an aligned, juicy partnership
Incredible questions to see if you really “don't have time” to date or if there's something deeper wanting your attention (so good!)
Ways to eradicate the armor accrued from past loss + heartbreak and reopen to love

Free Gift: Spark a Man's Desire without Chasing Him


Grab these fabulous FREE bonus gifts from Speakers we love who’ve shared potent tools to empower you to boldly create healthy, connected love!

Jacqueline Bambenek

Life Coach

In this series you’ll discover who your authentic self is, what you truly want, and where you can go when you are connected to your heart as your North Star.

Free Gift: “Keys to Awaken Your Divine Destiny” Video Series

Caroline Oceana Ryan

Channeler, Intuitive, and Spiritual Growth Counselor

In this channeled meditation journey, you are guided to experience being in a healing chamber of a great star ship. Each time you listen, request one specific issue that you would like them to work on.

Then lie quietly and relax, as benevolent galactic healers and beautiful Light Beings work on your energies to assist you in healing some area of your mind and emotions, spirit, or body that you feel carries the wounds of past or present -- including your heart, and all past and present relationships!

Free Gift: "Galactic Healing Chamber - A Star Journey" - An energy-embedded, Guided Meditation

Chris Quintana

Financial Strategist

This exclusive eBook by my favorite financial advisor shows that achieving financial success doesn’t have to be complicated or take forever. Say goodbye to worn-out advice that has you on a financial rollercoaster.

Free Gift: Exclusive eBook, "The Less You Know The More They Make"

Spiritual Growth Events by CHRIS CADE

Joining this awesome newsletter by my friend Chris Cade will support you in making spiritual growth a priority in your life by giving you exclusive invitations to the very best free spiritual classes, summits, and workshops out there. Join now to never miss a life-changing event!

Free Gift: Exclusive Invitations to Spiritual Growth Events

Suzanne Roynon

Expert Interiors Therapist : Award Winning Author : Speaker : Feng Shui Consultant

Book 30 minutes with Feng Shui expert Suzanne Roynon as you walk her through your home and she offers suggestions of how it could come into maximum alignment.

Free Gift: 30 min Free Feng Shui Consultation of Your Home


Intuitive Healer, Author, Self Discovery Catalyst

Uncover and eliminate hidden root causes of struggles and frustration in your personal and professional lives, break free from the pain of feeling stuck, and achieve greater levels of success and satisfaction.

Unveiling the Mystery of Generational Trauma" is a thought-provoking and informative guide that sheds light on a complex and often overlooked topic. It provides insights and strategies for individuals who may be struggling with generational trauma, as well as for those who are interested in learning more about this important subject.

Free Gift: Unveiling the Mystery of Generational Trauma

Kristen Schwartz

Author & Empath Counselor

During this potent journey for all Empaths you’ll explore some eye-opening stuff like:

Understanding why and how we pick up energy from others.
Learning to differentiate between our energy and someone else's.
Unpacking whether what we feel is rooted in our projections, triggers, or fears.
Getting to the bottom of why energy gets blocked.
Discovering the sneaky ways we unintentionally block our own energy flow and how to liberate ourselves from these patterns.

Free Gift: Liberate Blocked Energy and Thrive Masterclass

To Access: Click on "Access Free Gift >>" Below
Click the JOIN NOW button.
Sign up to be a Realized Empath site member (check your email to confirm your membership)
Log-in to "purchase" course & use coupon code "HEALTHY LOVE" to make it free (with space between Healthy and Love)
Complete checkout - and you will immediately access the course.


Sex & Birth Coach

Are you curious about what a “practice” is… wondering how do you do it, if it works, how it feels to listen to my voice guiding you through gentle instructions?

Well, I’m SO excited to share a free sensuality practice with you. – The Honey Pot!

A simple, yet incredibly sweet and potent visualization for feeling a deep connection with your sexual organs.

Subscribe below & your audio practice will be waiting in your inbox!

Free Gift: Honey Pot Embodiment Practice

©2023. Healthy Love Show. All rights reserved |


How long have you been wanting healthy, connected love? This series is likely to be the very thing that will finally make that a reality for you!
