Discover what you crave sexually and how to get great at asking for it in the bedroom
How to amplify sexual polarity within your relationship
How to connect back to your body and pleasure safely
What to do if your partner feels needy around sex (to make them feel ok)
LIVE PRACTICE to support you in becoming fully embodied with gentle touch
Free Gift: Free pleasure activation! Use this simple, yet powerful, embodiment practice to shift from being out of your head and into your body (where all the deepest pleasure lies)
Develop self-awareness practices to prevent divorce/breakups by taking responsibility for your role in relationships
Common behaviors to know that sabotage relationships
How to respond vs. react during conflict to find peaceful resolve
How to strengthen your self-value and boundaries
The power of replacing self-condemnation with self-compassion
Free Gift: We offer a Rapid Relief call for anyone who is struggling in their relationship and wants to get clear on if they should MEND or END their relationship. invites attendees to pick their ideal time and benefit from a full coaching session, on the house.
How to cultivate a deeper connection to the Divine even if you’ve never had one (+ why it matters in love!)
Discover practices like tapping that can be used to value yourself at a higher level
How to demand your Guidance bring you support now! (+ why this is so powerful)
Identify signs to help decipher if you’re in an aligned relationship with your soul’s higher purpose
Free Gift 1: "Positive Relationships - A Visualization" (MP3 audio recording) and "Positive Connections: The Collective Speak on Creating Relationships That Honor You" ( PDF ebook)
Free Gift 2: "Abundance For All The Lightworker's Way to Creating Money & True Wealth" (scroll to bottom of page to grab it!)